
Being The Perfect Bridesmaid


There’s nothing more exciting for little girls than being asked to be a flower girl or a bridesmaid at a relative’s wedding. The whole process of choosing a dress, being invited to the rehearsals and having your photograph taken is one huge adventure, but can also be daunting and tiring for the children, especially the youngest ones.brides maid wedding

Choosing Clothing

If the bride hasn’t got children herself or experience of being around little people, they may not understand that although big dresses with lots of net underskirts and hoops may look great in the photos, they’re not the sort of thing that toddlers will be comfortable in for hours on end. Many stores now sell dresses suitable for wearing at special occasions, and brands such as Ilovegorgeous clothing have a range of dresses which will suit both brides’ and children’s tastes. Remind brides that children can grow quickly, so there is no point in shopping for dresses several months before the big day. Most youngsters of the age we’re talking won’t have their ears pierced, and necklaces would be out of the question. That said if they do have their ears pierced it’s easy to find beautiful small studded ones. For the older bridesmaid a pair that dangle can really work well, those like Martine Wester earrings.


As a parent it is important to prepare your child for the big day and let her know what is expected of her. The preparation will depend on the type of ceremony being planned and the role which your child will play. It is important that she understands that she will be expected to stand still and do as she is told. Ask the happy couple to arrange photographs so that the shots featuring children are taken all at the same time to minimize the time they spend hanging around. Go with your daughter to buy dress, shoes and matching accessories and it is good manners to offer to contribute to the cost. If ordering something from Ilovegorgeous clothing online, get a couple of different sizes to see which one fits best.

Go Equipped

If there are lots of other children at the wedding, they will probably amuse themselves by running around and playing, but for weddings where no other children are present or for during meals, it helps to have some tricks up your sleeve. Inexpensive little toys, colouring books, crayons or jigsaws can be brought out at regular intervals and help to keep a child entertained through lengthy speeches or a formal meal. Plan to leave these things at the venue in advance so that there is no last minute confusion on the day.

Tantrums and Tiredness

Even if you’re on top of the planning and have lots of coloring books and crayons, there is going to come a point in the evening where a child becomes tired and grumpy. Parents of young children may just have to accept that they will have to cut their evening short and take the little bridesmaid home to bed, unless she is happy to crash out in the corner. It is unfair and selfish to subject other guests to a child who is overtired and grumpy, so be on the look-out for the signs of fatigue and act before it becomes a problem. Also consider hiring a babysitter to watch your child so that you can continue with the celebrations.


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