
Top Tips To Help You Monitor Your Partner’s Activity On The Sly


Scared your partner has been up to no good?

You’re not alone. You may be shocked to hear that, according to an infidelity study by WomanSavers.com, nearly half of all married men and women surveyed have been intimate with someone else during their relationship. Now it has to be said that playing away isn’t always considered the final straw for some couples. In fact, cultural attitudes towards unfaithfulness tend to be defined by a number of factors, including a country or region’s political ideologies and traditional stance towards religion. But for many of us, cheating is defined as morally wrong and signifies serious and sometimes irreparable problems with a relationship.

Unfortunately for those who feel they are being ill-treated, the advancement of technology has meant that it’s become much easier for a partner to cheat. Computers and mobile phones have made it much easier for your other half to get to know another without even having to leave the house. If you’re concerned that the man or woman in your life is striking up more than just a conversation elsewhere, there will be a way to find out once and for all, no matter how good they seem to be at covering their tracks. You could, for example:

  • Monitor your partner’s mobile phone bill online. Regular calls to an unidentified number may signal that something’s up.
  • If you and your partner share a bank account, keep a close eye on his or her transactions.
    Question them if any money seems to be unaccounted for and gauge their reaction.
  • “I’m stuck at work”. Does that sentence sound familiar? Make the odd call to your partner’s workplace to make sure they really are ‘putting in a little overtime’. If they don’t pick up, or one of their colleagues tells you they left several hours ago, you’ll know to thoroughly question him or her about their whereabouts when they return.

If you’ve followed the above and your findings haven’t given you the conclusions you crave, you can certainly take more drastic measures.

  • Specialist phone tracking software can monitor the activity of some mobile phones. The invisible program can identify when texts have been sent and received, record call details, report back on Facebook and Twitter messages and even allow you to view photos and videos that have been taken with the phone itself. The clever GPS system can also give you the location of your partner’s phone on an hourly basis.
  • If you suspect your partner of using your home computer to interact with their lover, you can invest in software that logs his or her PC activity too. The software will usually be able to provide screenshots of every URL that’s been visited, as well as register your spouse’s activity on social networks and allow you to view their webmail.
  • You could hire a GPS tracker for a week or two and have it placed covertly on your partner’s vehicle. After all, the average motorist doesn’t even walk to the corner shop these days, so if you monitor a car’s movements, you’re effectively monitoring the driver. After monitoring the results of the GPS tracker for a good few days, you’ll be able to spot any unusual patterns emerging and will identify addresses of interest.


Categories : relationships

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